Project YES
One of the major Corporate Social Responsibilities of ELCE is Project YES.
Free mass Endoscopy screening (one screening plus other procedures cost about INR2000) to the public to find early stage upper gastro-intestinal cancers in the name of ❝PROJECT YES❞. Generally GI cancers are asymptomatic till it has grown upto a stage where only palliative measures will help the patients to extent little of their life time. Only with these kind of mass screenings early cases of gastric cancers can be detected. And in early stage most of the gastric cancers are completely curable.
Under Dr. P.S.Rajan’s leadership, ELCE has conducted 41 free Endoscopy Screening Camps starting from January 2014 till date covering 6 districts of Tamil Nadu & Kerala. So far, over 6897 people have undergone free endoscopy screening and the following are some of the findings for which free consultation and advice have been given along with regular follow up:
- Gastric CA 18
- Polyps 29
- Barrett’s 19
- Cricopharyngeal web 8
- Giardiasis 1
Around 1000 cases with hiatal hernia and numerous cases of duodenal & gastric ulcers and gastritis. We are proud and feeling more responsible that this is the first initiate across the Nation for public well being.