❝A healthy outside starts from the inside❞ says Robert Urich
ELCE (Endoscopic Laparoscopic Center of Excellence) is another name for professionalism. Having evolved from two decades of experience, expertise, and commitment in the field of Minimally Invasive Laparoscopic & Endoscopic Surgery, ELCE specializes in Laparoscopic surgeries and Therapeutic Endoscopies. With the aim of providing the best of service, through quality/evidence based methods, utmost importance is placed on the care of patients to ensure a holistic outcome.
It is only in the 19th century that medicine made rapid progress. Prior to that, diseases were surrounded by various theories, assumptions, understandings/misunderstandings, religious beliefs and cultural environments. Pain had to be endured and cure was far away in many cases. The advancement of medical treatments is caused by changing practices and technological possibilities and developments in science and technology.