Gastric Bypass Surgery in Coimbatore
ELCE Hospitals is the best Gastric Bypass surgery in Coimbatore provides the procedure to reduce the weight of a person based on their BMI rate. The bariatric surgery or weight loss treatment in Coimbatore is performed when the person is not able to reduce the weight naturally. The person who needs of bariatric surgery is given a different solution based on their body type and condition. The different bariatric surgeries are
Best Gastric Bypass Surgery in Coimbatore
1) Sleeve Gastrectomy
Sleeve gastrectomy or Gastric Bypass surgery in Coimbatore is a surgical procedure that allows weight loss by restricting food intake.
The procedure is done laparoscopically after introducing 5 or 6 lap port incisions on the abdomen of patient. The instruments are introduced via ports.
Sleeve gastrectomy is done by removing approximately 2/3rd of the left side of the stomach using endoscopic staplers. The stomach thus takes the shape of a vertical tube or sleeve.
This serves to greatly reduce stomach capacity and drastically cuts down food intake.
The advantages are
Requires no foreign objects (like balloon or bands),
It does not bypass or cause re-routing of the food stream (RYGB).
It restricts the food amount of food intake that a stomach can hold.
surgery cannot be reversed once done.
Involves removal of a part of an organ (stomach).
Top Gastric Bypass surgery in Coimbatore
Roux En-Y Gastric BYpass:
ELCE Hospitals provide Gastric bypass surgery in Coimbatore for the people who needs to reduce their weight due to health problems.
This is an abdominal surgery done and involves two steps.
Ist step – a small stomach pouch, approximately 30 milliliters in volume, is created by dividing the top of the stomach from the rest of the stomach.
IInd step- the first portion of the small intestine is divided, and the bottom end of the divided small intestine is brought up and connected to the newly created small stomach pouch.
The final step of completion is by connecting the top portion of the divided duodenum to the small intestine further down so that the stomach acids and digestive enzymes from the bypassed stomach and initial portion of the small intestine will eventually mix with the food.
Advantages are it combines both restrictive aspects of stomach capacity,
bypasses a large part of the stomach thereby prevents absorption also.
Risks related to the surgical procedure are similar to any abdominal surgery and can include:
Hemorrhage, Infection
Lung ventilation or breathing problems
Leaks in your gastrointestinal system
Deep Vein thrombosis (as in major abdomen surgeries)
Long term Complications are related to loss of several essential nutrients and the nature of bypassing digestive juices leads to:
Bowel obstruction
Dumping syndrome, causing diarrhea, nausea or vomiting
Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia)
Stomach perforation
Gastric bypass surgery in Coimbatore is a useful procedure for morbidly obese patients and leads to significant weight loss in a quick span of time
Effective Gastric Bypass surgery in Coimbatore
Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch (BPD/DS) Gastric Bypass
BPD/DS Gastric bypass surgery in Coimbatore is an advanced surgery done for severe obesity and involves three steps. This causes the maximum bypass of the small intestine and therefore greatly reduces the absorption of proteins and fats.
First, a smaller, tubular stomach pouch is inserted by removing a part of the stomach which is very similar to the sleeve gastrectomy.
Step 1 – The duodenum is divided just past the outlet of the stomach.
Step 2 -The segment of the distal (last portion) small intestine is then brought up and connected to the outlet of the newly created stomach.
Step 3 -The bypassed small intestine, which carries the bile and pancreatic enzymes that are necessary for the breakdown and absorption of protein and fat, is reconnected to the last portion of the small intestine so that they can digest along with the food stream.
ELCE Hospitals perform BPD/DS Gastric bypass surgery in Coimbatore to reduce the weight of the person gradually.
Leading Gastric Bypass surgery in Coimbatore
Mechanism of weight loss:
Food quantity is reduced .the food goes through the reduced stomach pouch and empties directly into the last segment of the small intestine. Roughly three-fourths of the small intestine is portioned by the food stream
the food does not mix with the bile and pancreatic enzymes until the distal ileum of the small intestine. This results in a significant quantity of proteins and fats excreted without absorption.
The complications
Short term complications are the same as the ones described in case of roux-en-y gastric bypass
Long term
Disposal Syndrome: This causes nausea, weakness, sweating, faintness, and possibly diarrhea soon after eating.
Nutrient deficiency
Gall stones
Vitamin, calcium deficiency and its effects
This is major surgery and requires a prolonged hospital stay and needs maximum motivation from the patient side. Also, the morbidity of the procedure is higher than the other bariatric procedures.
ELCE Hospitals have experience in performing gastric bypass surgery in Coimbatore to maintain the person’s BMI rate according to their weight and height.